3 min readMar 24, 2022


Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Focus of life.

What you want in life? There are many things we want in life. What is the main focus that we want in life? Everyone have their own aim and goal in life. This will be same with me. I have so many desire and wishes to fulfil. Therefore, I need to prioritized my needs and necessary. Focus on only the main things that we need in life.

My main focus in life now will be of service to others. I need to divide myself into four parts which is my work, my non-profit organization, my personal business, and lastly my personal growth. I need to focus all of them with full hearted and enjoy the journey with full of ups and down. I believe it will not be a smooth journey but I am ready to face them with full of enthusiasm. I am ready to face it and go through it alone and maybe there will be some passerby to help out and to say hello to me. But the journey I will definitely walk by my self. Nothing to be afraid of and be calm when facing all the challenges that come through. Yes we all can.

Focus your life with only the necessary that we need and do not get distracted with other unnecessary and unimportant staff that will drag your aim down. My focus will always be there and aim only what you want in life do not get tormented of others. Remember your target and goal in life. You will surely achieved them if you truly focus on the things that you want and is necessary. Everyday tell yourself that what is my aim for today and what is my necessary task for today? Am I doing what is important or I am doing the unnecessary things that will waste my time and distract my aim and goal. Focus is the main key factor to our daily aim and goal.

We may have different focus in our daily life. When we wake up, tell ourself what is the focus of the day that we shall do and make it happen. In today’s life distraction will surely happen, so long we get back to our focus, it will be alright. Focus is very important, whether in mind or physical activities. If we do not stay focus, we will easily get distracted by many circumstances. Lets wake up and stay focus no matter what happen. Get to our goal and stay focus all day long. You will surely be amazed by what the result will be. There is no much things to do just stay focus and know your daily aim what you want to do, after you wake up.

Remember that if we want things to happen stay focus and be focus in our life. Do what is important and delete what is unimportant. Whether is mentally or physically we need to be focus and stay focus. Do with full of heart and sincerity the work will turn out great as we aim for. Lastly, stay aimful and concentrate your work , love your aim and you will be love by the result.

