3 min readJul 12, 2022


Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Fish & Mermaid

“If you teach a fish how to live on land, the fish will feels that it is impossible eventually reject and fear of death. Somehow, when you teach a monkey how to swim in water, the monkey will fear of death due to suffocation and fear that they can’t survive in water. “ The fish will feel stupid because unable to live on land and monkey will feel stupid too that unable to live on water.

The point that I would like to share is that if you have a limited view and afraid that you can’t and unable to do it, tell yourself you must be strong and transform yourself that one day you will achieve your aim and goal. If a fish continue the mission and goal eventually a fish will turn into mermaid and eventually can live on land and in water. Don’t give up and continue your goal and passion that you yourself believe that can able to give you confidence and help others. Monkey if they are trained well and never give up, the monkey also is able to live on land and in water without any problem.

I have a goal and aim and passion as well. Everyone say that it is unpopular occupation and can’t earn money much. If I don’t give up on myself and continue with my passion to help people, I believe one day I can lead a meaningful life and be confident in myself. It is just like the example the fish. If the fish do not give up on themself and continue find a way to live on land, the fish will eventually turn into a mermaid.

Never give up on your passion and keep going. Keep slow but keep going and one day I would like to see myself as a successful person in my mission to be of service to the community. Summary, when there’s will, there’s a way. I am also very grateful that I have a wonderful family and friends to support me. They don’t give up on me and therefore, I also don’t give up on myself. I have depression and schizophrenia before but I don’t give up and continue with my life and my passion. I feel like a fish whom ask to live on land. However, I tell myself I will not give up on myself since everyone do not give up on me and continues to support me. Thus, I believe that one day I will be a mermaid and help the community.

Everyone have their own life story and journey that they go through same as well as me. I also did go through a lots of up and down. Outside, people whom just know me from surface will see me live as comfy life but people whom know me deep down within, I live in lots of ups and downs. People say why I can obtain job so easily? This is because I have sacrifices my party and socialized during my youth days. I loves to mix around people whom has wisdom and elderly people. I am a serious people that I seldom play much but to take responsibility and commitment tightly and I pray strongly.

Believe and strongly believe to yourself do not give up to your passion and continue on till one day, you will be a mermaid. People throw you on land and in water too you could be able to survive well. Make your life fun and flexible and worthwhile.

