3 min readNov 24, 2021


Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

Keep moving forward.

We all know that during the pandemic season, everyone is emotional regardless of the lost of family member or lost of job. However, we must tell ourselves that life still goes on and if we lost a job, do not give up on yourself and keep finding another job and always stay healthy as you can.

It is a great heartache to lost job, we all know that but do not give up on yourself keep yourself busy and keep moving on. We can always find a job someday but if our health is neglected, than our life will be gone. We live once. Thus, we must treasure our live well and love ourselves. There are basically three things that can improve our destiny.

The three things that we can adapt to which is the act of gratitude towards everything that we encounter regardless the lower vibration or the higher vibration. The second things that we can act upon is to offer our body, speech and mind to everybody who in need of our help. Eventually, this will brings value to you and everybody round us. The third act will be responsible towards our live. Whatever challenges come into our life be responsible towards it especially towards our action.

No matter how tough our life will be keep moving forward and stay strong. Remember that we all as one humanity will always be there for one another. If anyone of us feel isolated or lonely, try to seek for professional help or any friends whom will be there for you. I am sure that we all as human will be there for one another.

So long that if we stay strong and healthy, we will all win the race of fighting the wave of pandemic. We all are not alone, we all need one another and we all need to support one another. Keep yourself healthy by doing meditation, yoga, jogging and brisk walking. Stay calm and the journey will be enjoyable.

Energy basically is important in our life. There are low energy and high energy. Everyone love high energy and does not like low energy. As result they tend to pretend that they have high energy. It is wrong to act like that. In my opinion, I would prefer to have genuine energy and once awhile we have low energy and it is alright to have that. Do not waste your time to pretend that you have high energy within you. Whenever you have low energy just be aware of it and tell yourself that its time for you to find a way to make it into higher energy and it takes time as well.

More often than not, awareness is also important in our daily life. Aware of our thoughts, action and speech. Always stay aware by asking yourself is it necessary to converse the information to another party, is it appropriate to act as such manner and lastly why you have such though within yourself. Conclusion, we all will be there for one another just remember that.

