2 min readNov 2, 2022
Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash

Life in food and beverage field

It has been 3 month plus I work in F&B field. It was very remarkable experience and I see lots of different characters and attitude especially from the customers. I also has learn to be more patience enduring the attitude of the customers. Some customer very polite and some vice versa.

I also did realized that whatever things that I though I cannot do but in reality I am able to do it. Working in F&B is quite tiring but I enjoy them. I see purification in me whenever I clean up for the customers’ table. At the beginning, I feels very angry and embarrassed that I need to throw rubbish after the customers have eat but as times goes by, I get used to it and I believe that doing cleaning up can purified my obstacles.

I love the break time or rest time, because during the rest time , I am able to sit and relax. In F&B very busy and lost of things to prepared. I am happy to see people eating happily and some customers very appreciative to me for what I have given the services for them. I requested my manager that I will be taking short term rest .

Hope I can continue with my F&B field and keep up my enthusiasm.