2 min readAug 1, 2022


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Scars in life

Do you have scars that remain in your life? Do you think the scars in your life can be a lesson to ponder about?

I have. I drop out of university that scars my life. I saw everyone graduates with the robe and I am still searching my path and continue searching. However, the scars will not stop me to continue my life and I believe that my passion will be a good numerologist to guide others and help them with assurance. Even though I have a diploma in my Numerology, I will keep moving on and will not bring the old past scars to stop me from moving forward.

Whatever has past let them be past and whatever mistake that I had made let it be a lesson and move forward. Nothing in life is perfect and we will make mistake because of a lot of factor such as emotional, ignorance, dissatisfaction and others. When we know and analyze them we will not make the same mistake again.

Summary, enjoy your life and live everyday with discipline and meaningful. People say I do not have friends. Its alright that’s their view on me. I just keep moving on myself and continue helping people whom needed me. Love yourself and be there for others.

