2 min readDec 5, 2021


Photo by Alif Ngoylung on Unsplash

What life we want to have.

What is life? It is our daily activity that determine our part or parcel of our life. What we do daily, help in our life either a healthy life or vice versa. Life can also be interesting depends what angle we choose to see.

There are many style of life. What is your style of life?

For me my style of life is very simple yet happy. Early morning, wake up do some prayer and then bath and eat breakfast. Currently, I am self-employ and do some freelance on numerology. I am happy with my simple life. I also will monitor my mind and my habits on how I think about myself. It is very important to monitor our own mind and be aware of our self talk.

Eating healthy food also can bring healthy lifestyle. Food bring energy to our body especially when we need to used a lot of energy either mind or physical. Eating healthy food can bring healthy mindset and also healthy body.

Next will be our communication. The art of communication can uplift our life and vice versa. Always monitor our communication and be aware of our self talk . The truth within sometimes is hurtful but if it benefits ourselves than we need to say the truth and be honest to ourselves. Love ourselves and live a healthy lifestyle. Learn to talk with honesty and as well with compassionate to everyone and yourself. Communication brings messenger from one person to another.

How to deal when we live a unhealthy lifestyle yet we are unaware of it? In the society outside nowadays is harsh and cruel. Always remember gratitude and compassion. Also remember our ethics and mannerism, I am sure we will not go deep into unhealthy lifestyle. Treat the way you want others to treat you. When other treat us harshly, used tong len practice you will always be happy.

Conclusion, stay strong, stay healthy especially at this pandemic season. Love yourself and love everyone. We only live once therefore, cherish everyone while we are still here on the earth.

